HeadCoach’s Success:
75% Retention 50% User Growth 90% Customer Satisfaction
in 6 Months


React Native

NeoITO has been an invaluable partner in the development of HeadCoach. As the CTO of our app, designed to enhance emotional intelligence in athletes, I have been thoroughly impressed by NeoITO's dedication and expertise. From assembling a skilled team to utilizing cutting-edge technologies like React Native and FastAPI, NeoITO ensured a seamless and robust solution. Their commitment to quality, coupled with competitive pricing and AWS partnership, makes them a standout choice. I highly recommend NeoITO to any organization in need of a trusted technology partner. Our collaboration has been instrumental in our product's success, and I eagerly anticipate our continued partnership





HeadCoach, a wellbeing and performance platform, focuses on elevating athlete and coach performance through the cultivation of emotional intelligence (EQ). Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, psychology, and coaching insights, HeadCoach offers tools such as EQ strategies, a Wellbeing Journal, and Intelligence Reports. These features make EQ training accessible and effective, democratizing its benefits for sports organizations of all sizes and enhancing both sports performance and personal well-being.

Faced with the challenge of moving beyond a limited no-code platform and requiring a scalable, feature-rich app that met GDPR compliances and user-friendly design standards, HeadCoach sought a partner who could not only understand their technological needs but also resonate with their mission to enhance holistic well-being in sports through technology.


Client Goals And Objectives

  • Improve the physical and mental capabilities of athletes.
  • Provide coaches with the insights needed to develop their athletes’ skills effectively.
  • Equip athletes with the tools necessary to excel under pressure.
  • Foster overall well-being: Ensure athletes and coaches not only perform better but also live better.

The Challenge

Before partnering with NeoITO, HeadCoach faced several significant challenges:

  • Limited ability to develop a scalable application.
  • Dependency on a no-code platform that couldn’t scale.
  • Struggled with creating a user-friendly design.
  • They needed guidance on GDPR compliance.
  • Encountered difficulties securing sufficient financial resources.

NeoITO’s Solution & Approach

To address these challenges, NeoITO implemented a strategic AI-augmented product development approach:

  • Risk mitigation:
    Proactive problem-solving using AI predictions to avoid delays and manage scope creep.
  • Iterative, Feedback-Driven Development Process:
    Used AI to automate routine tasks, which enabled focus on complex challenges, enhancing innovation. Regular sprints and adjustments, informed by ongoing testing and feedback, ensured alignment with user needs.
  • Real-time adjustments:
    AI provided real-time predictions on feature completion and identified potential bottlenecks, enabling timely adjustments.
  • Rigorous product discovery:
    HeadCoach's product discovery integrated research, ideation, and user interaction, ensuring an innovative final product closely aligned with user needs. This led to a final product that addressed specific stakeholder needs, stood out from competitors with unique value, included user-validated features for higher acceptance, and was technically robust, scalable, and aligned with the latest digital trends in sports tech.
  • Key partnerships and funding support:
    We assisted HeadCoach in securing freebies from third-party services like Stripe and obtained AWS credits, providing crucial funding support for developing their POC solutions. 
  • Enhanced quality and accuracy:
    AI tools were used to review designs and workflows, ensuring high product quality.
  • Automated processes:
    Utilized AI to automate the creation and management of user stories from the Business Requirements Document (BRD) and wireframes, saving time and enhancing focus on creative aspects.
  • Decision-making support::
    AI-driven insights assisted in making informed strategic decisions throughout the development process.
  • Stakeholder interviews and requirement gathering:
    Engaged coaches, athletes, sports psychologists, and developers in discussions to capture unique needs and expectations, shaping the product's foundation. HeadCoach's product discovery integrated research, ideation, and user interaction, ensuring an innovative final product closely aligned with user needs. This led to a final product that addressed specific stakeholder needs, stood out from competitors with unique value, included user-validated features for higher acceptance, and was technically robust, scalable, and aligned with the latest digital trends in sports tech.

Neo is a very professional development agency. They always strive to meet deadlines and their work is first class.

Eoin Doyle



The Result

NeoITO is the team you have been looking for. Pogr is thankful to have found talented developers who have helped us build our platform.

Within a short span of time, we helped HeadCoach achieve the following results: 

  • Reduced the time to market, focusing on delivering a high-quality product tailored to user needs.
  • Developed a robust and scalable application, ensuring it was ready for widespread adoption..
  • Onboarded thousands of college athletes and around a dozen professional clubs, each with multiple teams.
  • Streamlined various operational processes, particularly in subscription management and customer service, enhancing overall efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Established a solid foundation for market entry with a strong user base and critical acclaim from initial users.
  • The MVP demonstrated a user retention rate above 75%, showing high user loyalty.
  • Observed a 50% increase in daily active users month-over-month. 
  • Achieved a customer satisfaction score of 90%, reflecting high satisfaction with the app’s performance and features.

How NeoITO Supports Founders

NeoITO stands by entrepreneurs, transforming their visions into reality through:

  • Customized solutions:
    Understanding founder needs and delivering bespoke technology solutions.
  • Strategic partnerships:
    Working closely with founders throughout the development process, ensuring alignment with their long-term goals.
  • Empowerment through technology:
    Leveraging advanced technologies AI and Machine Learning to create products that are not only market-ready but also scalable and innovative.

Are you ready to transform your vision into reality?

Connect with NeoITO today and let us help you build a product that not only meets market demands but also exceeds them. 
Build your product with NeoITO now
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