Have you thought of something? Humans have sent people to the moon with computers having the computing power of a present-day calculator. And we have in our pockets devices that have a hundred times more energy than those “calculators”.

This shows the unfathomable growth of technology in these past years.

Today everybody claims AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) is the future.

A software that was considered highly complex in the past is now being used daily by us unknowingly.

Ever feel like Instagram is following you with its Ads, that’s AI in action.

Many companies fear that they will lose the market to startups if they are too late to implement AI and ML. It is turning out to be a billion-dollar industry, and all the Gen Z children are out to get a piece of that cake.

To keep you ahead of the curve, let me give you an “all you need to know” tour on how to create an app using AI and ML.

What are AI and ML?

Let me tell you that in the most straightforward words possible.

Artificial Intelligence term ( AI ) refers to any technique that uses machine learning, logic, if-then rules and decision trees to help computers mimic human intelligence.

Machine learning is a part of AI that analyses the pattern of data to predict the future or make a decision in uncertain situations.

The study by Markets and Markets explained that AI will grow to be a 190 billion dollar industry by 2025, and IDC gave stats that said 90% of the apps would use AI in them.

So how to make an app that properly utilises artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the question that will define the future.

Many prominent apps like Uber, Facebook, etc., use AI to understand the audience’s search patterns, location features, and many others to give a personalised opinion to what they might want.

The rather annoying ads that pop up while you casually use  Instagram or YouTube is AI in action. Google search for high powered lithium-ion batteries; your feed will be filled with batteries with different types of batteries.

Why do you need AI and Machine Learning?

When you get work done in hours that took weeks without AI, you can’t turn a blind eye towards it. The advance of neural networks ( algorithms ) has helped apps advance by recognising voice and image at a greater pace. If we look into why you need a machine learning and ai in your app, there are many reasons:

Quick decisions

Many real-time situations require apps to optimise with change. For example, while you are using Google Maps and you take a detour, it would reroute you through the way you have taken or give you options to reach the destination. If it doesn’t make that decision as quickly as possible, or if we had to change the route manually, the app would seem redundant.


Swiping through a food delivery app and you see your favourite food or restaurant at an offer price, wouldn’t that grab your attention? So giving personalised suggestions is time-saving for the customer and is good to attract business. Using AI in your app puts you on a whole new level.

Improved security

AI brings more security options for the data collected. They can be used to provide security by using the biometric data of users to make sure no third party can access your data. Data protected by password comparatively has a weaker security when compared with biometric analysis.

How to create an app with AI?

Making an AI app requires a series of steps; let’s go through each one

Identify the problem

Similar to the introduction of any app into the market, your product or service should be a solution to a problem. It would be best to come up with a unique idea that always keeps the customer in perspective.

Performing some market research is inevitable before you start.

Knowledge acquisition

If you do not possess the technical knowledge to develop an AI, you need to search for a professional AI development company.

Choosing the right AI development company is tricky. There are a lot of companies to choose from, you have to carefully evaluate your options and find the perfect company which fits you.

Read: How To Choose The Best AI Development Company That Help You Scale

App design

App design is not something to take lightly.  Your app needs to be user friendly and attractive. As this app revolves around AI, it should function without hindering the smooth flow of the app.

Read the 21 Mobile App Development FAQ’s Every Startup Founder Must Know.

Choosing the right stack

AI has many positive sides, but a downside is, it is greatly challenging for developers. There is a constant battle of performance and accuracy when using an AI. If you compromise on accuracy, you will get a speedy output, and similarly, if you compromise on performance, you will get accurate data at a slower pace. Finding the sweet spot between performance and accuracy is key.

Choosing the right technology stack where the backend system architecture is flawless will be an advantage in gaining an efficient outcome. AI-powered mobile apps need accurate answers in the quickest time possible.

Check out our blog to know how you can choose the right technology stack.

App launch and maintenance

After all the internal processes are complete, you are ready to launch your app. But the job is half-done now. You have to provide regular maintenance and upgrades.

Edge AI

The introduction of 5G and the sudden boom in the IoT industry have made data collection much more accessible. Since every device is connected to one another and the popularity of 5G services, there will be an unprecedented growth in the data collected.

The use of cloud and AI services will cause issues like latency issues as they rely on data transmission and computation of complex ML algorithms. To avoid that, we use edge computing.

Data is processed closer to where it is made. This opened new horizons for AI where AI and ML can be used at the place where data is created. This gave birth to Edge AI.

Edge AI helps reduce operating costs while giving better insights into the data collected with better data security. An efficient Edge AI can handle huge tasks at a record pace and offer limitless scalability options.

We at NeoITO use edge computing and edge AI to increase our work efficiency. Our million-dollar growth can vouch for the technology.

AI around us

We know by now that mobile apps have AI capabilities. Websites also use AI. Have you gone through a website and seen a chat option in them? Many companies use AI chatbots to help you with your queries.

It saves time and valuable human resources which can be used elsewhere. We have chatbots on our website to help anyone with a question about NeoITO.

Tesla has a user interface that is purely AI. It is optimised with ML to process the data in real-time. Siri, Alexa are examples of virtual assistants that use AI.

These are just a few examples around us. As time goes by, more and more will assemble.


Now you have a quick glance at the different aspects of AI and ML, and how to create a mobile app with AI and ML. This is just the birth of the industry; you can try to make a fantastic app with AI. There are a lot of problems to solve and people want them solved faster and efficiently. The market is open for you, you just need the right solution.

If you have a solution in hand, then outsourcing your AI development would be the best option. In doing so, you will have a guarantee about the quality of your product, timely delivery and can reach the market before your competition.

So, what are you waiting for?

Gather your team and try to make this world a better place with AI!

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